The EMC is an international organization dedicated to supporting and promoting strong, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth in developing countries and emerging economies. EMC interventions are premised on the promise of green growth - a simultaneous advancement of economic growth, environmental sustainability, poverty reduction, and social inclusiveness.
EMC develops and delivers its global products and services in partnership with government bodies, international organizations, academic institutions, civil society organizations (CSOs), and the private sector. Its interventions emphasize change in four themes—energy, land use, water, and green city development (GCD) - where member countries have highlighted gaps and demonstrated success, and that are therefore considered key to transforming these countries’ economies.
Cities are at the forefront of green growth. Apart from being functional units, they are, for developing and developed countries, a central place of production, consumption, and administration. Given the closely intertwining development challenges they face, cities are where the battle for sustainability and prosperity will be won or lost.
Strategic Plan 2021-2022 defines three strategic outcomes that EMC strives to achieve by 2022: .